Glass Parts Project Repair Gallery
Daum Nancy glass figurine repair chipped and missing ear restoration
Wednesday, April 27th, 2011 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair, Blowen Glass Replacements, Broken glassware, Chipped Glass Repair, Figurine, Glass Sculpture Repair, Glueings, Zoo | Comments Off on Daum Nancy glass figurine repair chipped and missing ear restorationThe ear was broken off and lost from a very expensive DAUM Nancy glass figurine. I had to sculpt part of a new ear to fit on the dark amber Daum Glass horse . Matching the very dark amber color was my first challenge . I made a dozen or more glass ears be for finding one I liked . Daum glass started with the notary Jean Daum Daum started making glass for watches and mirrors. (1825-1885).

Daum glass horse with broken ear
Replacement Glass Ears

New Ear

attached new ear

Shape new ear

Daum glass horse first stage of polish
Acid etch glass to match glass head
a few finishing touches and its as good as new

Daum horse new ear

Daum Crystal Horse
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Figurine Repair, Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Daum Crystal Repair, Daum Glass Repair, Glass Figurine Repair, Glass Parts, Glass Sculpture Repair, Glass Sculpture Restoration, Glueing Glass
LaLique crystal repair broken glass ring
Sunday, August 1st, 2010 Posted in All Repair Projects, Crystal Repair Pictures, LaLique Crystal Repair | 2 Comments »This beautiful LaLique crystal ring got broken. The hard part of this repair was the fact they didn’t have any of the missing pieces. So I had to create the glass piece to fit what was left.
Broken and a large chip is missing.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glass Parts, Glass Repair, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass
crystal repair steuben beaver
Tuesday, June 8th, 2010 Posted in All Repair Projects, Crystal Repair Pictures, Glueings, Steuben Crystal, Steuben Crystal Repair, Zoo | Comments Off on crystal repair steuben beaverThe Steuben crystal beaver had a broken tail. It was sent to me for repair. It wasn’t a very clean break so I ground and polished the chipped glass . I had to reshape the tail also.
Tags: Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Figurine Repair, Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glass Figurine Repair, Glass Parts, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass
crystal repair glass cat
Monday, October 26th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair, Glass Sculpture Repair, Zoo | Comments Off on crystal repair glass catThe glass cat figurine had a broken ear. I removed the good ear and made two new ears. No one will know the ears match and her husband can get out of the dog house. Friends Romans lend me an ear.
Being able to make ears ,noses ,trunks, tails,and other parts gives me alot of options when restoring glass figurines. Under categories there is a heading call zoo it holds before and after picture of crystal animals I have repaired.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glass Figurine Repair, Glass Parts, Glass Repair, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass, Venetian Murano Glass Repair
Crystal Repair Broken Swarovski
Tuesday, October 20th, 2009 Posted in Glueings, Swarovski Crystal, Zoo | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Broken SwarovskiThe crystal elephant came in broken and missing a tusk. Reattaching the tusk was the first step. Them I made a new glass part for the Swarovski Elephant using the old glass tusk as a guide. Etching the new glass part to match the old was the final step in the glass restoration.
Crystal restoration complete old tusk and the new one .
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Crystal Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Figurine Repair, Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glass Parts, Glass Repair, Glueing Glass, Swarvorski Glass Repair
glass clown repair
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair, Crystal Repair Pictures | Comments Off on glass clown repairA Venitian Glass Clown with one broken hand and one missing hand was sent from Dallas Texas for repair. First I cut off the small pieces left from the hand and ground it smooth. Then I made a new glass hand . It looks like a micky mouse hand. Its a white glove with only four fingers. They have been making glass clowns in Venice Italy for at least eighty years. I have made Bo Ties , Balloons, Hats, Shoes, and every thing else for repairing them.
This is the new hand I made.
Glass restoration complete, back on the shelf so the grand kids don”t get to it.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Glass Figurine Repair, Glass Parts, Glass Repair, Glass Stopper Repair, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass, Remove Broken Stopper, Remove Stains in Vases and Decanters, Sick Glass Repair, Waterford Crystal Repair
Broken Crystal Vase
Tuesday, July 7th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair, Broken glassware, Chipped Glass Repair, Chipped Glassware, Uncategorized, Waterford Crystal Repair | Comments Off on Broken Crystal VaseJoe emailed he had a Waterford Crystal vase that was a wedding present to his parents and the foot was broken and missing pieces. Can I fix it ? Yes send it . He sent the vase from Resto Va.
The vase came in safe and sound. Joe followed the shipping instructions. My job make it new again. I removed the old broken foot and found a replacement foot. A simple foot transplant and all you need are flowers.
Its time to bring home the roses.
Tags: Add new tag, Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Antique Glassware Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Cut Crystal Repair, Cut Glass Repair, Glass Parts, Glueing Glass, Lead Crystal Repair, Waterford Crystal Repair
Antique Glass Repair- broken stopper
Tuesday, May 5th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair, Blowen Glass Replacements, Broken glassware, Chandelier Repair, Chipped Glass Repair, Stopper Repair | Comments Off on Antique Glass Repair- broken stopperAn antique glass decanter with a broken stopper was brought in for repair. The stopper broke off many years ago and was lost. The owners still had the silver top to the stopper, but a new glass bottom had to be made. I started with a glass rod a little larger than the neck of the decanter. I ground the end of the glass rod to fit the neck of the decanter. I made a stem on top of the stopper through heat and manipulation. This was fitted in to the silver top. The other chips on the bottle were left alone because they all had a story to go with them.
Starting with a solid glass rod I shape the end .
Tags: Antique Bottle Repair, Antique Crystal repair, Antique Cut Glass Repair, Antique Glass Repair, Antique Glassware Repair, Broken Glassware Repair, Chip Repair, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Cut Glass Repair, Glass Parts, Glass Stopper Repair, Glassware Repair, New Stopper, Stuck Stopper, Swarvorski Glass Repair, Waterford Crystal Repair
Antique Glass Repair Venetian Glass Bottle Repair
Friday, March 20th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Broken Decanter Repair, Broken Stem, Chipped Glass Repair, Crystal Repair Pictures | Comments Off on Antique Glass Repair Venetian Glass Bottle RepairA gorgeous Venetian glass bottle was brought to me for repair. The owner wisely researched many different repair shops before finding me. Not all repair shops have the experience to restore antique pieces like this one. I love doing this type of repair. The key to fixing this antique bottle was to find a new foot, and perform a transplant. The broken foot, or what was left of it, was cut off and polished flat. Using a UV cured adhesive, the new foot and the bottle were bonded together. The new foot was from a Venetian Vase from many years ago. My parts department (see picture) is the result of working with antique pieces for thirty years. I was pleased to find such a good match for this bottle, even the gold trim matched. Antique glass repair is enjoyable for me, and I truly love restoring antique glass artwork. In addition to crystal repair, I can blow glass, slump or bend glass, stain, paint, bevel, curve, engrave, etch, and cut glass.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glass Parts, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass, Perfume Bottle Repair
beveled glass clock face
Tuesday, March 10th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Beveled Glass, Beveled Glass Lens, Clock Glass | 1 Comment »Old old clock came to me from a clock shop . It needed a beveled glass installed in the brass bezel. This is a tricky job because clock bezels are not round so the bevel is hand made to fit the out of round bezel. Its very easy to chip the new beveled glass during the installation .
Tags: Antique Clock Beveled, Beveled Glass for Clock, Clock Glass, Glass for Antique Clock, Glass For Clock Bezel, Glass Parts, Glueing Glass
Carriage Fire Engine Lamp Repair
Saturday, February 28th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique lamp repair, Beveled Glass, Beveled Glass Lens, Blowen Glass Replacements, Clock Glass, Glass Globe, Panel Lamp Repair | Comments Off on Carriage Fire Engine Lamp RepairI was told this is from a fire engine . Its is made of flashed red glass and has a beveled edge and a number six engraved on it. Flash glass is made by layering two colored glasses together in this case red and clear. I have restored many carriage lamps over the years I wish I had photographed them now. I also make globes for oil lamp like on the railroad.
Tags: Antique Glass Lens, Beveled Glass Lens, Glass Parts, Oil Lamp Repair
Crystal Repair Swarovski
Saturday, February 14th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Glueings, Swarovski Crystal | Comments Off on Crystal Repair SwarovskiSwarovski Crystal came unglued simple repair to reglue.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Prisms Replaced, Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Cut Crystal Repair, Cut Glass Repair, Glass Parts, Glass Repair, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass, Hawkes Crystal Repair, Libby Crystal Repair, Swarvorski Crystal Repair, Swarvorski Glass Repair, Tuthill Crystal Repair
Antique Water Glass Repair Crystal
Friday, February 13th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Broken glassware, Chipped Glassware, Chipped Stemware, Glueings | Comments Off on Antique Water Glass Repair CrystalThis antique water glass has a broken bottom and just the bottom none of the sides of the glass was damaged. I was able to cut / grind off the botton and using a thin glass cut a diameter and made a new botttom. Crystal water glass repair or antique rock glass not shure what to call it but its ready to be used again.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Cut Glass Repair, Antique Glass Repair, Antique Glassware Repair, Antique Stemware Repair, Baccarat Crystal, Broken Crystal Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Broken Glassware Repair, Broken Stemware Repaired, Chip Repair, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glass Parts, Glassware Repair, Lead Crystal Repair, Orrefors Crystal Repair, Repair Crystal, Steuben Crystal, Waterford Crystal Repair
Antique Glass Repair crystal chandelier
Wednesday, February 4th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chandelier Repair, Chipped Glass Repair | Comments Off on Antique Glass Repair crystal chandelierFifteen year this antique crystal chandelier has been in a box in storage. Only two of the antique glass arms were not broken . Many of the boboches were broken also. Dirty, rusty and in need of new wiring . The restotation of this antique glass chandelier has started with the dismanteling and cleaning. The glue that someone used has turned white over the years and must be soaked and removed. I will post my progress in days to come.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Custom Made Chandelier Parts, Glass Parts, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass