Bruening Glass Works - repairing crystal for over 100 years
20157 Lake Road
Rocky River, Ohio 44116
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Crystal Restoration Project Repair Gallery

crystal repair decanter broken neck

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Decanter Repair, Glueings, Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

The crystal decanter had a broken neck and they were missing pieces. The crystal repair job was going to be more than a glue job. I needed to replace the broken neck .I cut off what was left of the old one and attached the new neck.  Its not a perfect match to the old neck but very close.

crystal decanter broken neck

crystal decanter broken neck


antique bottle repair

broken glass glued

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Crystal repair chipped on neck of decanter

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 Posted in Broken Decanter Repair, Testimonials, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Crystal repair chipped on neck of decanter

Good morning Marc,


I’ve finally gotten round to opening the box (major fall season home re-org project is in full swing).  Your work is fantastic!  I would never have known that there was ever any damage.  Once I get the music box mechanism back together I’ll reassemble the decanter and send you some ‘after’ pictures.  I plan to show off your work to everyone I know.


I would like your opinion on something.  The half-dome well that forms the bottom of the decanter and where the music box mechanism fits was originally mirror-silvered.  When I purchased the decanter some time ago the mirroring had long since been replaced with hobby silver paint.  I didn’t care for how that looked so I removed the paint intending to resilver it with silver or gold mirroring once it had been repaired.  Now that I see it all repaired, and with the music box mechanism all cleaned and polished and gleaming in silver and gold itself, I’m leaning towards leaving the decanter bottom unsilvered allowing the music box mechanism to show through the glass.  What do you think?



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Crystal Repair Waterford Candy Dish

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chipped Glass Repair, Waterford Crystal Repair | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Waterford Candy Dish

The cover of the Waterford Crystal candy dish had a large chip in it. I was able to repair it by grinding  and polishing out the chip but the lid didn’t fit any more it was very loose. I needed to make the lid a smaller diameter. I cut a piece of crystal the right size and ground in a taper like on a stopper.

Crystal Repair Waterford Candy Dish

Crystal lid with new rim


Waterford Candy Dish Repaired lid

Repaired lid

The lid fits just right now . 

Waterford Dish and Lid

Waterford Dish and Lid

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Crystal Repair Waterford Lamp

Thursday, December 31st, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique lamp repair, Broken Stem, Crystal Repair Pictures, Glass Globe, Glueings, Waterford Crystal, Waterford Crystal Repair | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Waterford Lamp

Off the table on to the floor the lamp went with a crash. ” Don’t worry I know a place that does crystal repair. Who  Bruening Glass Works can repair crystal.” Mom was still crying about her lamp but when she called I told her I can repair it.

Broken Waterford Crystal Lamp

Broken Waterford Crystal Lamp

I cut off the broken base and went looking for a new base in my parts department. The shade for a hurrican lamp was the right size and shape. 

Crystal Repair  Waterford Lamp

Repaired Lamp with new base

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Repair Crystal Antique Cut Glass Vase

Thursday, December 31st, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair, Blowen Glass Replacements, Broken glassware, Glueings, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Repair Crystal Antique Cut Glass Vase

 Save the pieces it makes the repair so much easier. This crystal vase came in for repair and I had to make a new bottom.


Broken Crystal Vase

Broken Crystal Vase




Being able to blow glass and make a new glass bottom made this repair possible.
Repair Crystal Antique Cut Glass Vase

Make new bottom and attach


Repaired cut glass glass vase in silver foot

Repaired cut glass glass vase in silver foot

Done in time for the holidays it will make a great center piece.

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Crystal vase repair broken off foot

Thursday, December 31st, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Broken glassware, Broken Stem, Glueings | 1 Comment »

This very large crystal vase was sent to me for repair. If I had  bonded the two pieces together you would be able to see the repair. I decided the best way to repair this crystal vase was to cut off the bottom and reattached it to the foot. This crystal vase was originally bonded to the foot. The repair will make bond between the crystal vase and glass foot even stronger and less likely to break again.



Crystal vase repair  broken off foot

vase broken foot




repaired vase

repaired vase

Cut off bottom of crystal  vase to make a clean smooth bond. Stronger and better looking repair.

repaired crystal vase

repaired vase

Repairing the antique crystal vases of the future. Some one bring home the roses this vase is ready for action.

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Antique Glass Repair Cruet

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Decanter Repair, Broken glassware, Bubble Convex Glass, Glueings | Comments Off on Antique Glass Repair Cruet

Antique glass cruet broken in many pieces was sent for repair .

Antique Broken Glass
Antique Broken Glass

Antique glass bottle was sent in for repair. Broken in many pieces it was one from a set. 

Antique Glass Repair Cruet

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crystal repair antique glass cake plate

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair, Broken glassware, Crystal Repair Pictures, Glueings | Comments Off on crystal repair antique glass cake plate

crystal repair antique glass cake plate

Pressed Glass Cake Plate

A  broken cake plate came in for repair. Its a pressed glass cake plate with ruby red ring.

pressed glass cake plate

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Crystal Repair antique cut glass epergne

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair, Broken glassware, Chipped Glass Repair, Chipped Glassware, Glueings | Comments Off on Crystal Repair antique cut glass epergne

Broken cut glass

The antique cut crystal piece was broken and apiece was missing. I knew I would have to make a new pedal. Antique glass comes in many colors even the clear “crystal” glass. I found in my parts department a piece of antique glass the right color and shape for this repair. I ground and polished the new pedal. Crystal repair is challenging. With the replace pedal finished I beveled the side of the bowl so I would get a good bond. Then cut in the thumb prints design. Being able to grind and polish a piece of glass that been bonded together speaks well of the strength of the adhesive. This repair job came from Pittsburgh Pa. from a very nice lady. Who I quote ” it’s not a bad drive two hours tops a little shopping lunch and were on our way home. Many customers are surprised what kind of damaged crystal can be restored. Most clients after using my services say I didn’t know that could be repaired. I threw away a lot of glass that could have been repaired. I wish I knew about you.

Crystal Repair antique cut glass epergne

broken glass glued

roth 71broken crystal arm

chipped crystal repair

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Antique Restoration & Repair Glass & Jade

Monday, December 21st, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair | 1 Comment »

A beautiful antique  jade horse came in with broken legs.  No  I didn’t shoot the horse I repair it. Carved jade is a lot like glass it has a translucent green color.

Antique Restoration & Repair  Glass & Jade

Broken Jade

Broken Jade Horse

Repaired Jade Horse

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Antique Glass Epergne Repair

Friday, December 18th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair, Broken glassware, Broken Stem, Glueings | Comments Off on Antique Glass Epergne Repair

Broken into many pieces the antique glass came in for repair. It has been in the family along time and met so much could I repair it.  I told them it would not be perfect but I would do my best .  The first thing I needed to do was give it a bath. Then I dill out the broken fitter ( stopper ) out of the bottom. Then came the  fitting of the pieces to see what was missing.

Antique Glass Epegne Repair

Antique Glass Epegne Repair

It was a shame that an antique glass piece the of this quality got broken and needed repair. 

Repair antique glass epergne

Repair antique glass epergne

If you look close you can see the cracks . It will take just a little creative decoration and it can be displayed for all to enjoy.  Antique crystal with the copper wheel engraving the quality of this piece are rare. Broken crystal after restoration doesn’t all ways come out flawless  but you do have to look close to see the repair. Send in the flowers.

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Chipped Waterford Crystal Vase Repair

Saturday, December 12th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chipped Glass Repair, Chipped Glassware, Waterford Crystal Repair | Comments Off on Chipped Waterford Crystal Vase Repair

I told her don’t through it out I can repair it . It has a very large chip in the base she said. I don’t care how big the chip is I can repair it.

Chipped Waterford Crystal Vase Repair

Chipped Base

I can reshape the base of the vase.

Waterford Vase Chipped Foot

Waterford Vase Chipped Foot

First  grind

Grind Chip Out

Grind Chip Out

Bevel foot to shape.

Smooth Glass

Smooth Glass

antique glass repair


Waterford Vase repair

Waterford Vase

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Antique Heisey Glass Repair

Thursday, December 10th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair | Comments Off on Antique Heisey Glass Repair

Sorry I  deleted the before shot .  This antique glass plate had a lot of scratches on the top from stacking other plates on it and even more scratches on the bottom from sliding the plate . The logo from Heisey was not visable with the scratches. The Heisey signature   is located on the botton of the plate  in the center . Antique glass repair makes this plate as good as new and ready for a new home.

Antique Heisey Glass Repair

Heisey Plate


Heisey Plate

Heisey Plate

With a polished bottom and a new look  this antique Heisey Crystal plate is  ready to be recycled  or regifted .   There are  enough things in the world be green and restore an antique and regift it.

Heisey Logo

Heisey Logo

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Antique glass figurine repair

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair, Glass Sculpture Repair | Comments Off on Antique glass figurine repair

Glass Figurine broken off base

Glass Figurine broken off base

Antique glass repair is very rewarding. This glass figurine had been broken for years before they found me. Even with pieces missing I was able to complete the restoration.

Glass Figurine

Glass Figurine

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