Bruening Glass Works - repairing crystal for over 100 years
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Rocky River, Ohio 44116
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Broken Glass Glued Project Repair Gallery

Glass Cat Broken Tail

Friday, February 13th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chipped Glass Repair, Chipped Glassware, Chipped Stemware, Glass Globe, Glueings, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Glass Cat Broken Tail


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chandelier repair antique crystal bobache

Friday, February 13th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Broken glassware, Broken Stem, Chandelier Repair, Chipped Glass Repair, Chipped Glassware, Chipped Stemware, Crystal Repair Pictures, Glueings | Comments Off on chandelier repair antique crystal bobache




The boboche was broken and a few pieces were missing so we glued the pieces back together and  bent a piece of glass to fill the hole left by the missing pieces.

Repaired chandelier Part

Repaired chandelier Part

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Antique Water Glass Repair Crystal

Friday, February 13th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Broken glassware, Chipped Glassware, Chipped Stemware, Glueings | Comments Off on Antique Water Glass Repair Crystal



This antique water glass has a broken bottom and just the bottom none of the sides of the glass was damaged. I was able to cut / grind off the botton and using a thin glass cut a diameter and made a new botttom.  Crystal water glass repair or antique rock glass  not shure what to call it but its ready to be used again.



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crystal repair broken water glass

Thursday, February 5th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Broken glassware, Chipped Glassware, Glueings | Comments Off on crystal repair broken water glass

Antique glass with a broken bottom not a typical repair.  A replace ment glass is not an option . Please can you fix it ?   I can fix it  just put on a new bottom.  Glassware repair you think of chips on the rim or foot  not a new bottom of a water glass.

Water glass with broken bottom pieces missing

Water glass with broken bottom pieces missing

New Bottom

New Bottom

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Antique Glass Repair crystal chandelier

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chandelier Repair, Chipped Glass Repair | Comments Off on Antique Glass Repair crystal chandelier

Fifteen year this antique crystal chandelier has been in a box in storage. Only two of the antique glass arms were not broken . Many of the boboches were broken also. Dirty, rusty and in need of new wiring . The restotation of this antique glass chandelier has started with the  dismanteling and cleaning.  The glue that someone used has turned white over the years and must be soaked and removed. I will post my progress in days to come.

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Crystal Repair Steuben Elephant new ears

Sunday, February 1st, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chipped Glass Repair, Glueings, Steuben Crystal, Steuben Crystal Repair | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Steuben Elephant new ears

Steuben Elephant Missing Ears

Steuben Elephant Missing Ears

Broken many years ago and put in a box and forgotten. Then the internet and solution to the earless elephant .  I formed two ears out of a broken Steuben plate. This type of repair is fun know one would ever know the elephant had a ear job. Steuben glass figurine repair

Steuben Crystal Figurine With New Ears

Steuben Crystal Figurine With New Ears

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Swarovski Crystal flower broken stem

Thursday, January 29th, 2009 Posted in Chipped Glass Repair, Glueings, Swarovski Crystal | Comments Off on Swarovski Crystal flower broken stem

swarovski crystal flower

swarovski crystal flower

A Broken Crystal flower with missing piece of the stem needed to be repaired. I asked if they could send in one of the flowers that was not broken to use as a guide . Then I make a new stem and replaced the broke one. In this repair the challange was getting what was left of the stem out with out breaking any leaves.

Broken Glass Repaired

Broken Glass Repaired

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Antique Glass Perfume Bottle Baccarat

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Baccarat Crystal Repair, Broken Decanter Repair, Crystal Repair Pictures, Stopper Repair | Comments Off on Antique Glass Perfume Bottle Baccarat

Antique Baccarat Perfume Bottle with a stuck and broken stopper. This Baccarat Bottle from the 1920’s contains valuable perfume. First task remove perfume and store safley . Then remove stopper and repair it.  I remember coming home and  knowing grama was in the house  as I came up the drive by the smell of her perfume . The smell of roses so thick you could taste them.

Antique Perfume Bottle with stuck and broken stopper

Antique Perfume Bottle with stuck and broken stopper


Baccarat Bottle Restored Stopper

Baccarat Bottle Restored Stopper


Baccarat Bottle  1920's

Baccarat Bottle 1920's

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Crystal Repair remove broken foot

Wednesday, January 21st, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chipped Glass Repair, Glueings | Comments Off on Crystal Repair remove broken foot

Antique glass with a badly chipped foot. If I were to grind this foot down there would not be enough glass left for it to stand so I cut off  the what was left of the old foot . I found a foot of simular size and shade an added it to the glass . We can toast in the new year with a old glass.

old glass with broken foot removed

old glass with broken foot removed


old glass with new foot attached

old glass with new foot attached

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Crystal Repair Perfume Bottle New Stopper And Dauber

Friday, January 16th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Broken Decanter Repair, Crystal Repair Pictures | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Perfume Bottle New Stopper And Dauber

Antique Cut Glass Bottle

Antique Cut Glass Bottle

Crystal Perfume Bottle With Silver Top

Crystal Perfume Bottle With Silver Top

Can’t repair a stopper that is missing . So I designed two stoppers and my cleint pick the one she liked best. I ground a glass rod to fit the perfume bottle.Then found a cute little prism to act as the handle. Last was thing to do was make the new dauber and attach it to the stopper . This repaired crystal perfume bottle is ready for the stinky stuff.  Antique glass repair is very rewarding.In all the years I have been restoring crystal perfume bottles and stoppers this is the smallest and nices one. The sterling silver top makes it.

Cut Glass Perfume Bottle With New Stopper

Cut Glass Perfume Bottle With New Stopper

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Crystal Repair Broken Stem

Wednesday, January 14th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chipped Stemware, Crystal Repair Pictures, Glueings | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Broken Stem

A common story let me help no I would rather do it my self  no I can help  “Oh I’am so sorry”.Played out so many times.This broken stem is  to badly broken to be glued so a donnor glass was found and Idid a stem transplant.

Broken Stem

Broken Stem


Glass With New Stem

Glass With New Stem

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Crystal Repair Pressed Glass Punch Bowl

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Glueings | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Pressed Glass Punch Bowl

Crystal Punch Bowl  broken

Crystal Punch Bowl broken

I hear it over and over” I  put the bowl in the sink and turned on the water then I heard it crack”

crystal punch bowl

crystal punch bowl

.  Dont wash glass in hot water or it will come to me for repair. This pressed glass bowl cracked in two pieces. I used an adhesive to repair the bowl and it will be used for many more  parties . Repairing antique glass punch bowls and other pressed glass pieces doesn’t return the value but it makes grama happy.

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Swarovski Crystal Repair

Friday, January 2nd, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Crystal Repair Pictures, Glueings, Swarovski Crystal | 20 Comments »

Swarovski makes very fine crystal and over the years I could fill a zoo with  Swarovski Glass Animals I have repaired. I recently restored a pair of Swarovski Crystal Birds. Swarovski crystal repairs are generaly simple reglues.

I  also made a custom, wall hung, bent glass display case just for a collection of Swarovski Crystal Animals with mirrored shelves and custom low voltage lighting. The small Swarovski crystal prisms are glued together to create all kinds of shapes.It’s not uncommon for the glue to fail so don’t blame the kids if you find a three-leged dog.

Crystal Repair Glue Swarovski Crystal Birds

Crystal Repair Glue Swarovski Crystal Birds

Custom Bent Glass Wall Hung Display Case

Custom Bent Glass Wall Hung Display Case

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Waterford Crystal Wine Glass Repair

Tuesday, December 30th, 2008 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chipped Glass Repair, Chipped Stemware, Glueings, Waterford Crystal, Waterford Crystal Repair | 1 Comment »

The chipped wine glass was headed for the trash when another Waterford wine glass got broken . One with a broken goblet ,the other had a huge chip on the foot. I did a footectimee . I used the foot from the broken waterford wine glass to repair the chipped foot . Grind down the chip was not an option it was to larg a chip . The wine glass wouldn’t have a foot to stand on.

Waterford Wine Glass With Large Chip

Waterford Wine Glass With Large Chip

Crystal Repair  Broken Foot Restoration

Crystal Repair Broken Foot Restoration

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