Antique Crystal repair Project Repair Gallery
Antique Cut Crystal Perfume Bottle
Wednesday, January 28th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Broken Decanter Repair, Stopper Repair | Comments Off on Antique Cut Crystal Perfume BottleRepair crystal bottle with broken dauber on stopper.
Tags: Antique Bottle Repair, Antique Crystal repair, Antique Cut Glass Repair, Antique Glass Repair, Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glass Stopper Repair, Glassware Repair, Perfume Bottle Repair, Remove Broken Stopper, Sick Glass Repair, Stuck Stopper
Crystal Repair Waterford Cake Knife
Tuesday, January 27th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Waterford Crystal Repair | 4 Comments »Waterford cake knife is not a good choice for cutting ice cream cake. The glass did not break the metal handle did. In all the years repairing crystal I think this is a first. I removed what was left of the knife blade from the glass handle and silver soldered it. I put it back on the glass handle and its ready for the next party . Use the old big knife on the DAIRY QUEEN cake .
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Crystal Repair, Glassware Repair, Waterford Crystal Repair
Crystal Repair Baccarat Candelabra
Saturday, January 24th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Baccarat Crystal, Baccarat Crystal Repair, Chandelier Repair, Glueings | 4 Comments »Many broken arms and missing crystals on this Baccarat candelabra. What a mess when it came to me. It look like a box of trash. Stored in the basement for who knows how long they didn’t know any one to fix it. They found me the old fashion way word of mouth not a google search. A good bath and some tlc this candelabra needs a grand piano.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Crystal Arm, Chandelier Repair, Chandelier Restoration, Custom Made Chandelier Parts
Crystal Repair Waterford Vase
Friday, January 23rd, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chipped Glass Repair, Waterford Crystal Repair | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Waterford VaseChipped Waterford vase in need of repair. A large chip on the rim of a very large Waterford vase I gound down about half the chip and feathered out the rest. The vase is as good as new it just needs a dozen roses to be perfect. Shipped from California to Ohio for repair. The key to a successful journey is good packing double boxing a must.
Chipped Crystal Repair The “vaaas” is as good as new and with proper care will stay that way . A good tip to keep water stains from forming inside the vase from hard water is to coat the inside of the vase with Pam spray oil.Then fill with water. After the flowers die pour out the water and use a little soap to clean off the oil. Warm water only never hot. Definition vase is under $300.00 and a vaaaas is over $300.00 Life is short stop and snell the roses.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Cut Glass Repair, Antique Glass Repair, Chipped Crystal Repair, Glassware Repair, Remove Stains in Vases and Decanters, Waterford Crystal Repair
Antique Crystal Repair perfume bottle stoppers
Thursday, January 22nd, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Broken Decanter Repair, Chipped Glass Repair, Stopper Repair | Comments Off on Antique Crystal Repair perfume bottle stoppersAntique perfume bottles with two broken daubers tha task repair the stoppers. They can from a beautiful set with a gold basket . Restore the stoppers and restore the value.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Chipped Crystal Repair, Glass Stopper Repair, Glassware Repair, Perfume Bottle Repair, Remove Broken Stopper, Stuck Stopper
Crystal Repair remove broken foot
Wednesday, January 21st, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chipped Glass Repair, Glueings | Comments Off on Crystal Repair remove broken footAntique glass with a badly chipped foot. If I were to grind this foot down there would not be enough glass left for it to stand so I cut off the what was left of the old foot . I found a foot of simular size and shade an added it to the glass . We can toast in the new year with a old glass.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Glassware Repair
Crystal Repair Perfume Bottle New Stopper And Dauber
Friday, January 16th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Broken Decanter Repair, Crystal Repair Pictures | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Perfume Bottle New Stopper And DauberCan’t repair a stopper that is missing . So I designed two stoppers and my cleint pick the one she liked best. I ground a glass rod to fit the perfume bottle.Then found a cute little prism to act as the handle. Last was thing to do was make the new dauber and attach it to the stopper . This repaired crystal perfume bottle is ready for the stinky stuff. Antique glass repair is very rewarding.In all the years I have been restoring crystal perfume bottles and stoppers this is the smallest and nices one. The sterling silver top makes it.
Tags: Add new tag, Antique Bottle Repair, Antique Crystal repair, Antique Cut Glass Repair, Antique Glass Repair, Bottle Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Cut Glass Repair, Glass Stopper Repair, Glassware Repair, Perfume Bottle Repair, Remove Broken Stopper, Stuck Stopper
Crystal Repair Broken Stem
Wednesday, January 14th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chipped Stemware, Crystal Repair Pictures, Glueings | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Broken StemA common story let me help no I would rather do it my self no I can help “Oh I’am so sorry”.Played out so many times.This broken stem is to badly broken to be glued so a donnor glass was found and Idid a stem transplant.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glassware Repair
Crystal Repair Pressed Glass Punch Bowl
Tuesday, January 13th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Glueings | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Pressed Glass Punch BowlI hear it over and over” I put the bowl in the sink and turned on the water then I heard it crack”
. Dont wash glass in hot water or it will come to me for repair. This pressed glass bowl cracked in two pieces. I used an adhesive to repair the bowl and it will be used for many more parties . Repairing antique glass punch bowls and other pressed glass pieces doesn’t return the value but it makes grama happy.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glassware Repair
Crystal Repair Waterford Sail Boat
Tuesday, January 6th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chipped Glass Repair, Chipped Glassware, Waterford Crystal Repair | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Waterford Sail BoatCrystal Repair Broken waterford sail boat grind and polish
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glassware Repair, Waterford Crystal Repair
Crystal Repair Blenko Vase Repair
Friday, January 2nd, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chipped Glass Repair, Glueings | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Blenko Vase RepairBlenko Glass made this very colorful vase. It had the miss forture of getting broken when mom was out of town. I found a glass foot the same size as the original . Then I painted the foot to match the color and fired in my kiln to make it perminent. I use paint and stains used in stainglass windows for crystal repair. Antique glass came in many unique colors .
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Chip Repair, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Repair, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass
Swarovski Crystal Repair
Friday, January 2nd, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Crystal Repair Pictures, Glueings, Swarovski Crystal | 20 Comments »Swarovski makes very fine crystal and over the years I could fill a zoo with Swarovski Glass Animals I have repaired. I recently restored a pair of Swarovski Crystal Birds. Swarovski crystal repairs are generaly simple reglues.
I also made a custom, wall hung, bent glass display case just for a collection of Swarovski Crystal Animals with mirrored shelves and custom low voltage lighting. The small Swarovski crystal prisms are glued together to create all kinds of shapes.It’s not uncommon for the glue to fail so don’t blame the kids if you find a three-leged dog.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass
Waterford Crystal Wine Glass Repair
Tuesday, December 30th, 2008 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chipped Glass Repair, Chipped Stemware, Glueings, Waterford Crystal, Waterford Crystal Repair | 1 Comment »The chipped wine glass was headed for the trash when another Waterford wine glass got broken . One with a broken goblet ,the other had a huge chip on the foot. I did a footectimee . I used the foot from the broken waterford wine glass to repair the chipped foot . Grind down the chip was not an option it was to larg a chip . The wine glass wouldn’t have a foot to stand on.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Repair, Glass Parts, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass, Waterford Crystal Repair
Antique Glass Chandelier Broken Crystal Arms
Tuesday, December 30th, 2008 Posted in All Repair Projects, Chandelier Repair | 1 Comment »The movers broke several antique crystal arms on this Chandelier .The Chandelier was very dirty and rusty . The pins through the prisms had gotten wet and rusted. Repairing antique glass arms was the easy part.Cleaning and rewiring was the time consuming part. I used white cloth covered wire per original . The clear plastic wire is less noticable but I like to keep as authentic as possible . Two of the strands of prisms were missing I got lucky and had old ones in stock. I disassembled ,cleaned the glass and polished the chrome pieces. When moving antique glass chandeliers they should be taken apart to relocate. We installed the restored chandelier in the dinning room .
Antique Glass Repair ; Iused old prisms were I could but I made a new drip prism for the very bottom of the chadelier . Customer didn’t know it was missing .
Crystal Chandelier Restoration Complete I enjoyed the transformation and the client call the moving company and thanked them. It was upsetting when they broke it but it look so beautiful now .
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Custom Made Chandelier Parts, Glassware Repair, Sick Glass Repair