Antique Crystal repair Project Repair Gallery
Crystal Repair cut glass lamp repair
Thursday, April 9th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique lamp repair, Chandelier Repair, Glass Globe, Glueings | Comments Off on Crystal Repair cut glass lamp repairThis lead glass lamp sat on the night stand for decades before it was accidentally broken into pieces. The cut glass pattern on this crystal lamp help hide the glass restoration. There were some minor pieces missing, but we were able to discretely fill those areas. Crystal repair has greatly improved with the new generation of ultra violet cured adhesives that don’t yellow, and are to provide a permanent fix.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Cut Glass Repair, Antique Glass Lamp Repair, Antique Glass Repair, Antique Lamp Repair, Broken Crystal Lamp, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Lamp Repair, Crystal Restoration, Cut Glass Repair, Glueing Glass
Oil Lamp Repair broken crystal
Tuesday, April 7th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique lamp repair, Chandelier Repair, Glueings | Comments Off on Oil Lamp Repair broken crystalA very old crystal lamp was brought in for repair. This type of pressed glass is a good candidate for repair because it is very difficult to notice the glue line.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass
Crystal Repair Sculpture
Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Glass Sculpture Repair | Comments Off on Crystal Repair SculptureThese pieces came to me broken off the black glass base, and with deep chips in both pieces. Using a Bridgeport Milling Machine with a diamond tool, I resurfaced the black glass cube and removed all the chips. Hand lapping the cube from 120 to 220 to 400 grit, them pumice, and finally ceriumoxide brought back the high shine. The original placement of the kiss was retained so as not to alter the overall aesthetic appeal of the piece. The only clue that there has been a repair is that the base is now slightly smaller.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chip Repair, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Figurine Repair, Crystal Restoration
Antique Glass Repair Venetian Glass Bottle Repair
Friday, March 20th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Broken Decanter Repair, Broken Stem, Chipped Glass Repair, Crystal Repair Pictures | Comments Off on Antique Glass Repair Venetian Glass Bottle RepairA gorgeous Venetian glass bottle was brought to me for repair. The owner wisely researched many different repair shops before finding me. Not all repair shops have the experience to restore antique pieces like this one. I love doing this type of repair. The key to fixing this antique bottle was to find a new foot, and perform a transplant. The broken foot, or what was left of it, was cut off and polished flat. Using a UV cured adhesive, the new foot and the bottle were bonded together. The new foot was from a Venetian Vase from many years ago. My parts department (see picture) is the result of working with antique pieces for thirty years. I was pleased to find such a good match for this bottle, even the gold trim matched. Antique glass repair is enjoyable for me, and I truly love restoring antique glass artwork. In addition to crystal repair, I can blow glass, slump or bend glass, stain, paint, bevel, curve, engrave, etch, and cut glass.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glass Parts, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass, Perfume Bottle Repair
broken glass spoon repair
Friday, March 20th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Broken glassware, Glueings | Comments Off on broken glass spoon repairSometime the worth of a piece of glass is measured in sentimental value and not dollars. This pressed glass spoon was tremendously valuable to its owner, although not in terms of dollars and cents. I was pleased to return it to it’s original condition.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass
Crystal Repair Steuben Bunny Repair
Thursday, March 19th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Broken glassware, Chipped Glass Repair, Glueings, Steuben Crystal, Steuben Crystal Repair, Zoo | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Steuben Bunny RepairTags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glass Figurine Repair, Glassware Repair
Crystal Repair Swarovski Whale
Tuesday, March 17th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Crystal Repair Pictures, Glueings, Swarovski Crystal, Zoo | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Swarovski WhaleIt’s hard to swim straight with no tail. This whale was in need of some saving. It was a simple repair. Please view some of my other Swarovski repairs if you have a piece of crystal that needs to be rescued.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Antique Glassware Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Broken Glassware Repair, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Figurine Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass, Swarvorski Crystal Repair
crystal repair
Monday, March 16th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Broken glassware, Chipped Glass Repair, Chipped Glassware, Zoo | Comments Off on crystal repairThis crystal bird had broken feathers, but it’s now fit to fly.
Tags: Add new tag, Antique Crystal repair, Antique Cut Glass Repair, Antique Glass Repair, Antique Glassware Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Broken Glassware Repair, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Cut Glass, Lead Crystal
Pairpoint Lamp Repair and Restoration Services
Monday, March 16th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique lamp repair, Chandelier Repair, Glass Globe, Glueings, Panel Lamp Repair, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Pairpoint Lamp Repair and Restoration ServicesThanks for visiting Bruening Glass Works. We specialize in repairing all kinds of glass pieces including Pairpoint lamps and Pairpoint lamp shades. Please see an example of our work below. If you have a question or are in need of our repair and restoration services, please contact us via the form on our website.
This beautiful painted Pairpoint glass shade had a crack running down from the top.
Here’s the repaired piece below.
This is just one example of a Pairpoint lamp that we fixed. If you have one that is broken, please reach out using the form to the right. We’d be happy to give you a free quote.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glueing Glass
Crystal Repair Swarovski Mouse
Sunday, March 15th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Glueings, Swarovski Crystal | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Swarovski MouseThis mouse must have lost a fight with a cat. Both ears were off and the tail was missing from this whimsical Swarovski crystal mouse. Now he looks good as new with a spring in his tail.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Swarvorski Crystal Repair, Swarvorski Glass Repair
Crystal Repair Waterford Wine Glass
Wednesday, March 11th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Blowen Glass Replacements, Broken glassware, Chipped Glass Repair, Chipped Glassware, Chipped Stemware, Glueings, Waterford Crystal, Waterford Crystal Repair | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Waterford Wine Glass
The chip was to large to grind and polish so I removed the foot at the base of the stem. With the foot off of another Waterford Glass I transplanted the foot . Open a so so bottle of wine and lets test the glass. You don’t need open a good bottle wine because the beautifull glass makes every thing taste better.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Cut Glass Repair, Antique Glass Repair, Antique Glassware Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glueing Glass, Waterford Crystal Repair
Crystal Repair Waterford Spoon
Tuesday, March 10th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Glueings, Waterford Crystal | Comments Off on Crystal Repair Waterford SpoonTHis Waterford serving spoon was glued many times before it came to me. Repairing crystal seving pieces is harder than other pieces of crystal because of the functional work side . They are going to be used and abused.I neeeded to clean off the old glue and make a new stud . I attached the new glass stud the handle . Then glued the seving spoon part to the handle.I picture all the steps .
Tags: Add new tag, Antique Crystal repair, Antique Cut Glass Repair, Antique Glass Repair, Antique Glassware Repair, Bottle Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Broken Glassware Repair, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Waterford Repair
Perfume Bottle Repair
Saturday, February 28th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Blowen Glass Replacements, Chipped Glass Repair, Chipped Glassware, Glueings, Stopper Repair | Comments Off on Perfume Bottle Repair
This antique glass perfume bottle had a broken neck . I cut off the old broken glass neck and polished the bottle . Then I make a new glass neck for the perfume bottle. The antique crystal perfume bottle was as good as new. I make new stoppers and daubers for antique glass perfume bottles but making a neck is a little different. If they had sent it to me in the first place they would not have broken the neck trying to get the stopper out. It takes patients when removing a stuck stopper.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glassware Repair, Stuck Stopper
crystal repair antique candlestick
Saturday, February 28th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Blowen Glass Replacements, Broken glassware, Crystal Candlestick repair, Glueings | Comments Off on crystal repair antique candlestickBroken crystal candlestick needs restoration. This has two broken candle cups caused by letting the candle burn down to low and the heat from the flame breaks the glass. First I ground off what was left of the broken candle cups and polished it flat. Then I made two new candle holders and attached them . Antique glass repair is a big part of my buisness. I like fixing things that other glass shop said can’t be fixed. This customer was told it was irreparable. This was broken not chipped so a shop that can only grind and polish is unable to restore a pressed glass candlestick such as this.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glassware Repair