Baccarat Crystal Repair Project Repair Gallery
Chipped crystal glassware repair wine glass water glass
Monday, January 23rd, 2012 Posted in All Repair Projects, Antique Glass Repair, Baccarat Crystal Repair, Broken Stem, Chipped Glassware, Chipped Stemware, Crystal Repair Pictures, LaLique Crystal Repair, Steuben Crystal Repair | Comments Off on Chipped crystal glassware repair wine glass water glassChipped wine glasses ,chipped water glasses ,chipped rock glasses, champagne glasses and chipped cordial glasses can be ground and polished to look like new. Crystal glassware is hand made and each glass is a little different size. Stemware from the major manufactures can be very expensive and some times the patterns have been retired so repairing is the only option.

crystal stemware repair
Waterford Crystal , Baccarat Crystal , Lalique Crystal , Steuben Crystal , Orrefors Crystal , Tiffin , Fostoria , Kosta Boda, Cambridge, Stuard, Hawkes Crystal, Daum Crystal, I have repaired them all.
Baccarat Crystal Repair Chipped Vase
Friday, September 16th, 2011 Posted in All Repair Projects, Baccarat Crystal Repair, Chipped Glass Repair, Crystal Repair Pictures | Comments Off on Baccarat Crystal Repair Chipped VaseThe large Baccarat Crystal vase had a large chip in the base. I could reshape the base but you would see the repair so I removed the base and made a new one.

Large chip on base

cut off chipped f
I used a diamond saw to cut off the chipped base of the Baccarat Crystal vase.
The base was polished before the new foot was attached.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Cut Glass Repair, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration
crystal repair waterford vase broken bottom
Saturday, May 1st, 2010 Posted in All Repair Projects, Baccarat Crystal Repair, Broken glassware, Crystal Repair Pictures, Glueings, Waterford Crystal Repair | Comments Off on crystal repair waterford vase broken bottomThis Waterford Crystal vase had a broken bottom. Sent to me with a piece missing and they lost the piece . My only option was to replace the bottom. I needed a piece of glass with a star cut in it and it had to be a good crystal. I found a crystal pitcher that would work so I removed the bottom .
I had to cut off the bottom because they lost the piece that broke off.
With the new bottom on this vase is ready for a some fresh flowers.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Antique Glassware Repair, Broken Crystal Arm, Broken Crystal Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Waterford Crystal Repair
Antique Glass Perfume Bottle Baccarat
Wednesday, January 28th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Baccarat Crystal Repair, Broken Decanter Repair, Crystal Repair Pictures, Stopper Repair | Comments Off on Antique Glass Perfume Bottle BaccaratAntique Baccarat Perfume Bottle with a stuck and broken stopper. This Baccarat Bottle from the 1920’s contains valuable perfume. First task remove perfume and store safley . Then remove stopper and repair it. I remember coming home and knowing grama was in the house as I came up the drive by the smell of her perfume . The smell of roses so thick you could taste them.
Tags: Add new tag, Antique Crystal repair, Antique Cut Glass Repair, Antique Glass Repair, Baccarat Crystal, Bottle Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Crystal Restoration, Glass Stopper Repair, Glassware Repair, Glueing Glass, Missing Stopper, Perfume Bottle Repair, Remove Broken Stopper, Sick Glass Repair, Stuck Stopper
Crystal Repair Baccarat Candelabra
Saturday, January 24th, 2009 Posted in All Repair Projects, Baccarat Crystal, Baccarat Crystal Repair, Chandelier Repair, Glueings | 4 Comments »Many broken arms and missing crystals on this Baccarat candelabra. What a mess when it came to me. It look like a box of trash. Stored in the basement for who knows how long they didn’t know any one to fix it. They found me the old fashion way word of mouth not a google search. A good bath and some tlc this candelabra needs a grand piano.
Tags: Antique Crystal repair, Antique Glass Repair, Broken Crystal Arm, Chandelier Repair, Chandelier Restoration, Custom Made Chandelier Parts