Crystal Repair Perfume Bottle New Stopper And Dauber
January 16th, 2009 by Marc Konys - posted in All Repair Projects, Broken Decanter Repair, Crystal Repair PicturesCan’t repair a stopper that is missing . So I designed two stoppers and my cleint pick the one she liked best. I ground a glass rod to fit the perfume bottle.Then found a cute little prism to act as the handle. Last was thing to do was make the new dauber and attach it to the stopper . This repaired crystal perfume bottle is ready for the stinky stuff. Antique glass repair is very rewarding.In all the years I have been restoring crystal perfume bottles and stoppers this is the smallest and nices one. The sterling silver top makes it.
Tags: Add new tag, Antique Bottle Repair, Antique Crystal repair, Antique Cut Glass Repair, Antique Glass Repair, Bottle Repair, Broken Glass Glued, Chipped Crystal Repair, Cut Glass Repair, Glass Stopper Repair, Glassware Repair, Perfume Bottle Repair, Remove Broken Stopper, Stuck Stopper
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